Commitment: The power to change reality

Eduardo Trzan
5 min readJul 13, 2022

As humans, we all have the hunger, deep inside, to be able to make an impact in our lives and the ones surrounding us. This desire constitutes our need to accomplish a deed bigger than ourselves, which becomes our life’s motto — or just our said motivation. Without motivation, we become empty shells, incapable of striving and reduced to pointless routines.

“Get out of your shell! There’s a load more to life than what you’ve signed up for.”

Every single soul on this planet has the potential to make an impact. Its definition and size can differ in degrees but not in meaning—the more significant the effect, the greater the effort required to reach that peak. Nothing is accomplished by only futile desire. We are all required to pay a lump sum before making use of significant prosperity.

The quality of the effort matters in all orders of scale. This is the most basic given and taken exchange that pre-dates our modern society. The nature of our engagement in social groups or economic associations is to provide an article of quality to be rewarded with an equivalent compensation. Therefore, the more considerable contribution you give to a cause, the higher the probability of recognition and commendation.

Although there is a proportional relationship between effort and compensation, this doesn’t mean it will happen when you have defined it. Changes take time to accommodate and reverberate in individuals. Major changes could take decades to become visual and results to flourish. The art of making an impact is driven exclusively by patience and discipline in the process of creating the reality we want to exist.

“Patience is more than simply learning to wait. It is having learned what is worth your time.” — J. M. Storm

Nonetheless, knowing what matters and why it matters is as essential for your steps as having the quality to attend to them. Patience and discipline are tools that maximize what is deemed to be worthy of your effort. There must be a reason associated with the doing; otherwise, the doing is merely a repetitive task without significance. And when something is not conceived as necessary, it loses its effectiveness and eventually fades away.

Finding your way into becoming an instrument of impact is a journey filled with commitment and grit. Although both traits seem distinct words, they are deeply intertwined. You cannot be committed to something without having grit towards it. As well as having grit without a clear goal to be achieved is an under-valued and used skill.

“Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint.” — Angela Lee

Grit is a special sauce required in order to make the commitment a success. The longer the term is, the more grit is needed to fulfil the achievement. Along the way, you will face many different obstacles and, for some, even disapproval. Having the courage to face them, the resilience to keep your heads up and the persistence to stick to your vision is the utmost weapon.

The extraordinary power imbued in grit provides vitality to commitments. The life and soul of a commitment are to change reality as we know it; therefore, the weight is heavy, and the price to pay is proportional to the size of the dream. It is a simple law of exchange; what you want to take, you must pay it back with something of the same value.

Commitment is a mind-shifting perception of reality. We must dream of what we want to do or be, set goals, probe our reality and finally change all that is required to achieve the goal. Besides, all the steps mentioned have one thing in common, they need you to clearly and univocally shape the essence of your own why.

Our minds are powerful with unimaginable dimensions. A sharp mind is capable of slicing problems and finding solutions with a high success rate. The more we train it to see the end goal and hone it in grit, the more performing it becomes.

“If you can’t change reality, change your perception of it.” — Audre Lord

Having a clear vision of your dream and an unshakable commitment to it doesn’t mean having an unyielding mindset. On the contrary, humans are highly adaptable animals, and adaptability is what ensures survival.

There are no invariants in life; everything has a perspective that should be applied. Concepts could change in meaning or approach, but they won’t change in essence. Being capable of pair changes while driving up the hill of your commitment is a regular exercise to be practiced for our dream’s survival.

An obsolete attitude is not only harmful to your goals but poisonous to your commitment. Transforming your reality into what you wish for is a game that requires constant innovation. You must reinvent your why, not change the nature of it.

The path to the reality you dream of requires you to pave it with patience. Every day, you must attain your goals with utmost discipline and take a step forward. Fear and obstacles will burst all along the way, and sometimes it will be hard to take them in. You will need more than just strength; you will need grit to fight them because your goal is the commitment you have defined for your life.

There is nothing for free in this world. This is not bad; to be more accurate, this is exactly what we all need. The sense of accomplishment craves for exchange, for compromise. Value is only created when you have paid for your ideals.

Without effort, there is no meaning. Without meaning, there is no fulfillment.



Eduardo Trzan

A believer of human is capable of simplicity. A passionate of developing business. A dreamer of empowering people.